St. Paul’s Letter to the Corinthians Paraphrased

Though I teach in ways that are pleasing to the administrators, but do not have love for the children, I am no better than a foghorn or a loud speaker.

And though I am proficient in the science of pedagogy, and hold certificates in all advanced degrees, but do not love my pupils, all of my degrees are worthless.

And even though I have studied child psychology and know all about the “Id” and about environmental conditions of the day, yet if I do not actively love my children, it profits very little.

Love makes a teacher and an administrator have infinite patience – love searches every avenue, during class or in my own time, to be helpful to a backward child!

Love does not try to manipulate children – does not talk down to them, nor try to turn them into fan clubs who will idolize their teacher, their school, their “perfect” system.

Love does not insist that every child progress at a uniform speed, pleasing to the teacher; and love makes allowances for individual endowments and differences.

Love has good manners, and respects even a child as a slow person in the sight of God and of man.

Love is not touchy or temperamental; does not take out the frustration of home on children in class.

Love teaches children to be forgiving by showing that we as teachers and administrators do not hold grudges against them.

Love does not point out or ridicules the slow-learners but rejoices exceedingly when they make progress.

Love knows no limit to its patience, no end to its hope, and no fading of its encouragement.

It is, in fact, the one quality that denotes a Real teacher, a real administrator, a real parent and a real person.”

Posted in Articles, General Christian Articles.