What Children Can Learn and When

What Can Children Learn, and When!!!

Before the ages of three, the answer is simply, when the chid can do it. Entering the school zone is the following guidelines to help you know if your child is on target or possible has some delays.

Check List for Eye-Hand and Motor Coordination for 4-5 years:

Can the child trace, as example, letters and numbers?

Can the child circle an answer or complete a line?

Can the child make a line between two parallel lines?

Can the child find direction in a maze?

Can the child follow dot and line patterns?

Can the child cut with a scissors?

Can the child complete dot-to-dot pictures by connecting numbered dots?

Can the child color within heavy outlines?

Can the child walk, run, skip and jump?

Can the child build block towers (requires steadiness)?

Can the child manipulate puzzle pieces, pegs and blocks?

Can the child use a vertical chalkboard?

Can the child dance or march to rhythms?

Does the child have an awareness of self in space?

Does the child have an awareness of self in relation to other objects within the environment?


Can the child complete Shape and A-B-C puzzles?

Can the child discriminate in likenesses and differences?

Can the child note missing parts?

Can the child identify the whole, when only a part is seen?

Can the child see the goal in a maze?

Can the child identify shapes within the environment?

Can the child discriminate shapes?

Can the chid match shapes to the outlines of the shape?

Does the child understand variations in size, color and position?

Can the child discriminate in size activities?

Can the child do peg board designs?

Can the child reproduce patterns from a given copy?

Can the child reproduce patterns from memory?

Can the child reproduce designs from memory?

Can the child identify body parts?


Does the child know the difference between upper and lower case A-B-Cs? Both manuscript and cursive?

Does the child know numerals to 10?

Can the child count objects to 25?

Can the child follow verbal directions?

Can the child discriminate shapes?

Does the child know directional concepts such as in-out, over-under?

Does the child know relational concepts such as first-last, mine-yours?

Can the child group or classify objects into families? (Fruit, toys, vehicles)

Can the child discriminate in terms of size such as big-little?

Does the child know colors?

Can the child differentiate shades of color?

Can the child write his name ?

Does the child know his address and telephone number?


Can the child identify the sound to its symbol; the alphabet or number?

Can the child form and identify words that rhyme?

Can the child repeat sounds, words, sentences, and rhymes that you dictate?

Can the child identify initial sounds for the names of objects, such as fruit?

Can the child identify and repeat characteristic sounds (sirens, whoooo; windshield wipes, swish-swish; and animal sounds)

Can the child reauditorize (think) the initial sound for objects?

Can the child signify when one sound or tone changes to another in pitch? (high-low, soft-loud)?

Can the child write initial and final sounds of words that begin and end with consonants?

Can the child repeat what was said without visual clues?

Can the child follow directions without visual clues?

Can the child identify specific things from musical recordings such as bells? Also horns and traffic sounds?

Can the child identify pictures of objects with names that rhyme with no audible clues?

Can the child sequence dictated words or events in a story?

Can the child sequence dictated numbers of number patterns?

Posted in Articles, Education Articles.