Student Receives Congressional Award Gold Medal

I was delighted to receive this update from the parents of one of our students.  (Shared with permission.)

Dear Dr. Cates,

Don’t know if you want updates like this, but…

Here is a picture of Matthew receiving the Congressional Award Gold Medal from Congressman Duncan in his Knoxville office last Monday. To earn this award Matthew greatly surpassed the required 800 hours of activities in Personal Fitness, Personal Development, and Volunteering, along with a 4 night camping trip that he helped plan…all over a 3 year span. These were activities that Matthew was doing anyway as part of our homeschool program, but it sure is nice to have an outside agency validate his hard work.

Yesterday we mailed in the paperwork for Stephen’s work on the first two certificate levels of the Congressional Award. He’s on track to earn the gold medal as well in the next 1-2 years. Andrew will be old enough to start his work on the award in the fall.

We sure appreciate your support and encouragement in helping our homeschool program be successful.


Kathy Waldrep

Posted in Dr. Cates' Blog.