Staying True In A Changing Culture


As we are moving on with the summer, I cannot help but reflect on how much society and culture has changed since I began teaching over 50 years ago.

When I was called to the ministry of preaching and teaching, God was still a part of the educational system.  Prayer was still in public schools.  People said prayers and thanked God for the food on their tables.  Life was sacred.

Today, God is removed from public education. Truth is non-existent and “truth” is what is acceptable to you as an individual.  Today, abortion is not murder.  Marriage is not sacred.  The family has been redefined.

That is the reason for Faith Christian Ministries and Faith Christian Academy to have a support system to teach and reaffirm the unchangeable morals, values, and principles of Holy Scripture.  God has not changed.

We have changed because many of us have been sitting in the boiling pot like the frog and have slowly died to God, the Triune God, and the Holy Spirit.  We are following more and more the ways of modern culture instead of being warriors and martyrs for God and His kingdom.

We are in a spiritual war if we are believers.  Unfortunately, we may be unaware of it.  We are accepting of untruths contrary to “Thus sayeth the Lord.”

Faith Christian Ministries wants to partner with you in helping you to re-establish and confirm the long-held Biblical principles since the Garden of Eden.

Feel free to contact us.

photo credit: Stairway to Heaven via photopin (license)

Posted in Dr. Cates' Blog.