Teaching Guidelines – Linguistic Skills


1. If the child has a problem in Auditory Reception, follow these rules:

a. Use short, one concept phrases.
b. Ask short questions.
c. Give visual clue whenever possible, i.e., gestures, written material, etc.
d. Use visual aids whenever possible.

2. If the child has a problem in Visual Reception, follow these rules:

a. Allow child to auditorize whenever possible.
b. Use phonic method of reading.
c. Check comprehension carefully, giving auditory clues.
d. Permit child to use records, tape-recorder, or other method of auditorizing materials to be learned.

3. If the child has a problem with Comprehension of Auditory Information, follow these rules:

a. Ask one concept question, eliciting several short answers.
b. Accept concrete answers.
c. Supply more abstract cues for him.
d. Provide visual cues where possible.
e. Give ample time for response.
f. Give child a written question to think about before answering.

4. If the child has a problem with Comprehension of Visual Information, follow these rules:

a. Permit him to trace correct responses first.
b. Provide an auditory cue.

5. If the child has a problem in Verbal Expression, follow these rules:

a. Provide opportunity and time for oral responses.
b. “Show and Tell” may require much help from teacher.
c. Give visual cue to help child describe events.
d. Encourage oral reports, but with use of notes permitted.

6. If the child has a problem in Motor Expression, follow these rules:

a. Do not insist on demonstration before class.
b. Let child express ideas verbally.

7. If the child has a problem in Grammatic Closure, follow these rules:

a. Encourage imitation of teacher s phrase.
b. Provide records to memorize (short poem).
c. Provide visual cues whenever possible.
d. Check sound-blending abilities before pressing phonics.
e. Work on sight vocabulary.
f. Check visual closure abilities.

8. If the child has a problem in Auditory-Sequencing, follow these rules:

a. Permit child to use visual cues.
b. Have him write as he memorizes.
c. Use short, one-concept sentences.
d. Use visual aids.

9. If the child has a problem in Visual-Sequencing, follow these rules:

a. Permit child to use an auditory cue.
b. Permit him to trace when possible.
c. Use audio-visual aids whenever possible.
d. Flash cards to be traced.

10. If the child has a problem in Visual Closure, follow these rules:

a. Check and teach part-whole concepts.
b. Give him time to examine pictures.
c. Ask questions leading to more detail.
d. Ask questions going beyond seen details.

11. If the child has a problem in Auditory Closure, follow these rules:

a. Teach blending.
b. Give ample time.
c. Teach progressively rapid word recognition skills.
d. Keep meaningfulness high.

12. If the child has a problem in Blending, follow these rules:

a. Teach composition of words.
b. Teach letter sounds.
c. Teach blending.
d. Keep meaningfulness high.
e. Teach vocabulary skills.

Posted in Articles, Education Articles.